Immersive storytelling adventures at the intersection of environment & embodiment.
“Home is a journey”
Tour the culture capitals of the world to learn the history of dance as it relates to our natural landscapes. Through a network of local experts, artists, educators, and environmentalists Openhaus Athletics brings you a series of 360° movement media to guide you to your global groove.
Each GOODFOOT mission begins and ends at the Tree of Life. We build and deepen our sense of compassion, cooperation, and partnership with other adventurers along the way.
“If our stories are lost, we are doomed to such fates as well.”
Download episodes of the forthcoming podcast to journey into the story-realm of the Landcestors. Learn and integrate their lessons to remember yourself back Home.
Each mission addresses a different biome, its living systems, and traditional ecological knowledge. Highlight bio-cultural diversity, model social permaculture, and learn how you can support conservation efforts in your own backyard!
Who will you choose to be in the story of “We”?
Players use creative movement to examine personal mythologies; Rewriting outdated narratives and bounding toward a better future.
The GOODFOOT app is a sponsored project of Design Science Studio and University of California, Irvine’s Living Systems Collaboratory, nesting in the story-universe “Regen•era City”.